Projects & Releases

I was reading the book BATTLEFIELD EARTH and there is a section where a young boy losses his life to help the main character. He has a girl his age who goes into great loss at this and it made me have man tears. This song is the beautiful sadness I felt.

Thinking that when one comes to an area of loss of life, he will still live on because he is more than his body (this totally applies to all girls as well).  So while you have a body, “Let Your Engines Roar“.  Do good things, help others, live life, be happy!

I used to like John Wayne movies and then I watched his last one I believe it was called “The Shootist” In this movie he was on his last legs of life and just wanted to live it out in peace but bad guys would never let him have that so he passed away in gunfights with nasty people but he took them out too. I had heard that he was getting ready to pass away in real life as well so that’s why I wrote this to celebrate what he did achieve.

I heard this story about a Golden Ball which could save this world but it was used by all types - some who wanted to control everyone, some who wanted to say it had no value etc, etc. So this piece of music talks about the positive side - keep our world safe and these guys came from the future to make sure we stayed that way.

This was fun.  My friend Peter Paulusoni suggested I put words to it (it was an instrumental) so we did. I wanted it to sound live so I added audiences having fun.  All our video’s were done in the same room basically I just redressed it for each film shoot. Peter and I had a lot of fun doing this. I hope you enjoy what we’ve done.You are needed.

A Sea Shanty

In 1745, England's Navy ruled the waves and dominated the seas. The history of the Royal Navy reflects the pride and honor of the men who were rugged and who served the Queen. They were better organized and better equipped than many nations competing for the trade routes of the world at the time. England is part of our heritage and system of laws for the the common folks in Canada. This music and video is a tribute to the Royal British Navy which carried England and Canada into the 19th century.

Despite planetary challenges, the world is a beautiful place to live and be happy. Look at the beauty and take time to drink from its bounty. Observe nature in its glory and take time to see the beauty this world beholds.

Larenzo Dutoni

"Love Is A Wonderful Thing" is about sharing love with that special person that you meet when sparks fly and temperatures rise. You're elevated, sent to the stars, light on your feet and so excited you can't sleep - What's wrong? You're in Love!!!

"The Gift" of Music embodies the beauty and quality of filling your senses with sound. Sound that vibrates your bones and tickles your soul. Music that permeates every fiber of your being until joy gushes from your heart. You can't stop the feeling so you dance and you sing and you breathe life into your environment - That! That! That is the gift to mankind - enjoy!

"Always" is a love song about finding that special person you have been waiting to connect with, who you want to spend your whole life with and the one who transforms you as a person. This is the person you will share and build memories with; these memories you will cherish as you go through life together.

These are dark times and there is "Hell To Pay" it is about disappointment and betrayal. Many times we have all been promised certain things only to find out that these promises made, have turned into betrayal. We have all had to manage our disappointment and rise above the din to reach a fragment of hope...... the hope that things will change for the better.

"The good shall triumph - of that I am certain. We will never give up or we will never bend - we will win!!"    Larenzo Dutoni

"Everybody Loves Her" is about singer songwriter Taylor Swift, a performing star, who has made her mark in "Music" and on millions of fans world wide.

"This World" embraces flat out Rock & Roll sung about issues regarding our plant Earth.

"Zanzibar - my jewel in the sea"

"It's Christmas Time"

A seasonal original 

"In These Times" describes our time right now as we face many world crises.  There is much confusion and fear about how our future will proceed in the wake of the COVID pandemic.  There is much concern about climate change and human rights violations.  This song offers hope, that together, we are going to find our way through if we search for clarity and truth.

"Gloria" is an old blues rock tune by the band "Them" released in 1965 and written by Van Morrison.  Larenzo Dutoni decided to have some fun with this song, breathing new life into its seams.  Have a listen to Larenzo's tribute to the great Van Morrison.

3rd Release:  "Time To Heal" (Lyrics Version)

3rd Release - 08/13/2021


A personal song Larenzo Dutoni wrote about his healing through music, particularly, the music of The Corrs which emotionally communicated to him after his wife's passing in 2020.  Larenzo says, "This band helped me heal and that sparked the inspiration for me to write this song and the idea for the title."

2nd Release - 07/16/2021


The "Big Idea" Larenzo Dutoni wishes to convey with this song is that it should be safe for all diverse races in the world to come together and raise happy, healthy families without the danger of the world ending abruptly.

Live in Big Dreams Studio, Larenzo Dutoni and Peter Paulusoni teamed up

to play their rendition of an Elvis Presley song "Follow That Dream".

This production is about "Feeling Good", feeling good about yourself,

feeling good about music, dancing, feeling good about life wherever you are .

"Santorini" is a place where one can feel good and enjoy life.

"Canada Calling" is a picturesque collage of scenes from some of the most beautiful spots in Canada. The music behind this video is written and recorded by Canadian singer/songwriter Larenzo Dutoni and reflects the mood captured in these breathtaking scenes. This is another alluring dynamic of Larenzo expressing music through the message of "Canada is Beautiful".

1st Release - "CRATER ON THE MOON" - Released Friday, May 14th 2021


A song about rejecting the abundant overwhelm of too much toxic news that we are exposed to on a daily basis.  Let's direct this negativity to a place where they can cause no harm - to a "Crater On The Moon".


Larry's wife and soulmate (Anita) passed away in 2020 and left a gaping vacuum in Larry's heart. During the grieving process, he began listening to the music from a group called THE CORRS, a  national treasure of Ireland - 3 sisters and their brother. Their music was what he needed to help him mend and get through this difficult period. Thus he wrote the title song and single from the album "TIME TO HEAL" in their honor and as an homage to thank the group .

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