Collaboration Team

PROJECT & TEAM ~ Larry adopted an Italian name of Larenzo Dutoni for his new music album project "Time To Heal" for release by the end of 2021.  He engaged long-time friend PETER PAULUS, now performing as fellow musician and featured guest "Peter Paulusoni" on all new musical videos.  Peter performs as keyboardist, accordionist and backup vocalist.  Both Larry and Peter played and toured together as bandmates for many years in THE HANDLEY PAGE GROUP.  Peter has also taken over the task of marketing and the musical bond they share is VERY powerful.  KEITH KINVIG or "Keith Kinvichelli", provided assistance as videographer and editor.  

    "Larenzo Dutoni"

      Singer & Songwriter

"Peter Paulusoni"

 Musician & Vocals

"Keith Kinvichelli"


My passion is to create songs with message.  Most of my songs impart a message of hope for a brighter future, but I do love the expression of "The Beautiful Sadness."  Naturally, Rock brings out the protest in me of things "That Shouldn't Be" whereas, the lighter side of me likes to engage in fun "Reggae Rock" flavors with a bounce.  I believe "Life" is meant to be lived and experienced to the fullest and my mission is to do just that and write about my experiences and express them in verse and chous with musical ebbs and flows to reach the soul.

I believe live music is the best way to share a message of love and hope with that special someone in your life. The sole purpose for performing and creating music for me has always been to witness the emotional responses of my audience. I love playing multiple instruments and expressing many genres. To me, all music is valid if it is done well and it creates an emotional impact on folks listening. That is rewarding and ultra fulfilling.

What I like to portray in my vidoes is the soul of the artist.  Each person is unique and if the camera man contributes to the artists performance, then you have a very special moment.  Conversely if the camera man distracts or introverts the artist then the whole effect is lost.  Together we are creating an effect for the audience.

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